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Case Results

Judge Rules for Truck Driver Charged with Driving in the Wrong Lane

Sep 22, 2017 by Mike McKneely in Criminal Defense, Traffic

Charges related to driving in the wrong lane can result in severe penalties in California for drivers that make their living on the road. If your driving record can negatively affect your livelihood, it is important to contact a knowledgeable Fresno traffic lawyer like Michael McKneely to review your options and help with your case.

A truck driver and co-owner of two rigs, was recently stopped in Fresno for apparently driving in the incorrect lane for trucks. The man faced a serious fine along with added points on his commercial driver’s license, thus increasing his insurance by more than $7,000 annually.

When the truck driver hired attorney McKneely, his first act was to subpoena the video from the policeman’s vehicle and use it to his client’s advantage. When attorney McKneely showed the video in court, it was obvious that the policeman was wrong about what he observed and his client was in fact, driving appropriately.

Thanks to attorney McKneely’s extensive research and attention to detail, the judge ruled in favor of the truck driver and the charge was dropped, which preserved his driving record and career.

The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.

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